it's my life

Thursday, April 30, 2009

March, 2009

Merel turned two!
I got her fingerpaint and it was a great succes!
She started painting rightaway...

We had a project at school on food: They were smelling, tasting, feeling, and looking at food.

Walking on the heatland in Loenen with my friend Rianne.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April, 2009

A lot happened in April 2009...

Merel got a beautiful little sister! Bo Bente is born on 18th April 2009.

I turned 31 this year.
Birthday celebration in Arnhem!
Erica and Reinder came with Marit, Ruben en Jasper. Corien en Gerko managed to come just days before they got married. Irene came over from Norway for the wedding so she could come to my birthday too. Mum stayed over to help with the b-dayparty at school...

Bachelor party!
Corien is getting married on 7th May and we surprised her with a high tea and a workshop.

Getting adventurous!
In Apeldoorn at "Park Berg en Bos".
Margit and I did some heavy climbing there. We started at 2 meters above the ground: peace of cake :) The hardest route at 15 meters above the ground was kind of scary, but we did it! My glasses fell 15 meters down, luckily a lady picked them up at our directions... The rain made the tracks slippery and I slipped a couple of times: good thing I had carabines and a pulley!